Pickwalk scripts not installed properly by Toolbox

Issue #150 invalid
Cineversity BugSubmitter created an issue

Reported By: Andrew Runyon (muckymouse@gmail.com):

The pickwalk scripts are not installed properly. They require that the user manually take them from the pickwalker plugin folder and place them in the scripts folder. Not a big deal but probably confusing to users.

Files: http://download1496.mediafire.com/9o7kkccj9rzg/5v9oj4so4t4o7in/cvToolbox.log http://download1652.mediafire.com/sa33ei67rnvg/9bflnke29z4bxxo/installLog.xml

Comments (2)

  1. Rick Barrett

    Can't reproduce here. Pickwalk is installed properly, with the plugin in the plugins folder and the scripts in the scripts folder.


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