Check All

Issue #19 on hold
Donovan Keith created an issue

Add an option that allows the user to Check all plugins for download & install. This will probably be more useful should we have grouping by developer or use case.

I'm realizing that you can just paint-drag to check a bunch of items, but that's not immediately evident to users.

Comments (11)

  1. Rick Barrett

    Ctrl-click checks/unchecks all

    Should I add an additional button, or explanation text? Just not sure where I'd put it.

  2. Rick Barrett

    Clicking the header now checks/unchecks all in 7834882

    Unfortunately DrawHeaderCell causes a TypeError DrawCell 7 attributes / 5 given. DrawCell must be called within the DrawHeaderCell method internally. Changing the number of DrawHeaderCell attributes doesn't fix the error. More than likely a C4D bug, so I'm probably unable to draw a bitmap in the header.

    I'll try to debug the C++ example and create a simplified snippet to report, but I'm probably SOL until a C4D update, and even then TreeViewFunctions is marked private so I may not get a fix.

  3. Donovan Keith reporter

    Clicking on the header is better than ctrl-clicking for sure, would definitely be nice to have a checkbox icon from a UI perspective, but having the capability albeit slightly hidden is better than not having it.

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