"Remove Installed" Dialog For All Plugins

Issue #201 new
Cineversity BugSubmitter created an issue

Reported By: Donovan Keith (donovanskeith@gmail.com)

Reported with Version: 1.78

If I've got 20 manually installed plugins, and I say "Yes" to the big dialog that asks me if I really want to do this, I still have to say yes to each of the 20 dialogs (like the one attached to this report) after that.

Files: http://download1334.mediafire.com/5g5d198cyrrg/lcs39x4r4zacez3/cvToolbox.log http://download1325.mediafire.com/8dgj2cooakag/7n2erdkrknhzenb/installLog.xml http://download1584.mediafire.com/2psj1bwsk49g/8w2e7f0dl122ib0/Screen+Shot+2016-01-21+at+12.58.45+PM.png http://download1079.mediafire.com/4899q5ku1vug/ytu6t5z25fibp2o/ErrorDialog.png

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