Overwrite Existing - Yes To All

Issue #208 new
Cineversity BugSubmitter created an issue

Reported By: Donovan Keith (donovanskeith@gmail.com)

Reported with Version: 1.78

If I trash my prefs and want to override manual installs, I have to babysit the process. It would be great if there was a Yes To All option.

Files: http://download1074.mediafire.com/b2qs0wq9m7og/wpg75puo1quyd49/cvToolbox.log http://download1489.mediafire.com/16vltsgxlzcg/fl6a1cn1ivpvof6/installLog.xml http://download1350.mediafire.com/956b25ge37zg/c2raxli772x3i74/Screen+Shot+2016-04-13+at+1.14.53+PM.png

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