CV-Convert to PBR Material wont install

Issue #259 new
Cineversity BugSubmitter created an issue

Reported By: James Pageau (

Reported with Version: 1.78

When I attempt to install it via CV Toolbox it hangs on the install. 2 bars appear in the dialog. The top one is striped and froze while the other is solid. Below that is says that the install is 100%, bu it never acutally finsihes or installs the plugin.

I looked at the logs and found the download URL. When I hit that in Chrome it downloaded the zip file. I am able to maually install from that. But I would prefer to have these installs properly manged by cv toolbox.

I was able to install a diffrent plugin fine from the CV Tool box without issue... so this seems to be specific to the Convert PBR plugin.

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