Autopopulate "Your Email" with CV Login Email

Issue #42 resolved
Donovan Keith created an issue

Good start on the Report Bug/Idea interface. It would be great if you could auto-populate it with the user's email (use their CV login), and if it's possible, their name from their CV account. It may be possible to pull their name from their C4D registration info, not sure if that's SDK accessible or not.

Comments (3)

  1. Rick Barrett

    Name auto-filled from C4D info with 6597082

    Email is a pit tricky. First issue - the email is going to be plaintext in the issue contents, which is kind of a privacy issue but I'm not sure how to get around that because we might need their email. Second issue - I'll have to pass the email all the way through the stack from the plugin itself to cvMenus.HelpMenu and cvMenus.BugDialog. Definitely do-able, but it's probably just for toolbox, as most plugins won't have the email accessible. As another option, toolbox could store the email in the plugin prefs (actually it does already), and the dialog could always (for every plugin) try to pull it from there. That might be the way to go.

  2. Donovan Keith reporter

    If we're concerned about email privacy, I see a few options:

    1. All bug reports from users are anonymous (not ideal, as we may have follow-up questions and they might want a status update).
    2. Ask users to create/login with a BitBucket account (not ideal as it adds friction, and defeats the purpose of the Submit bug dialog)
    3. Keep all bitbucket issue trackers closed to the public and just store the emails in plain-text, but only we'll be able to see them.
    4. Somehow hash the email address, and store it in a private database only we have access to (but now we're talking about communicating with 3 different sites for every bug report).

    As far as auto-population goes, pulling from the plugin-prefs seems like the way to go.

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