Add "[Add...]" files button to Report Bug/Idea

Issue #43 resolved
Donovan Keith created an issue

While I really like the option of being able to drag/drop files, often times it's more convenient to use a file browser dialog.

Also, perhaps rename "Files"->"Attachments" and move the "Drag onto dialog" text into the file-list box, and change it to "Drag & drop files here to attach".

Might be smart to use

Comments (3)

  1. Rick Barrett

    The Add button is there as of 9fbb4a49

    The only problem with moving the "Drag & Drop" instructions to the multiedit field contents is that we may pre-populate that with log files from the plugin. Unless I just always append those instructions. Or pre-pend them.

  2. Donovan Keith reporter

    Users probably don't need to see the log files are being attached, perhaps just append those to the list before uploading?

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