Clicking on "click here for detailed instructions." opens IE instead of default browser

Issue #78 on hold
Cineversity BugSubmitter created an issue

Reported By: Donovan Keith (

When clicking on "Click here for detailed instructions" CV Installer opens IE instead of Chrome on my computer when Chrome is definitely my default browser.

Also, C4D freezes while waiting for this to happen. Perhaps the operation needs to be threaded?


Comments (2)

  1. Rick Barrett

    I don't think it's possible to open the default browser. It opens in IE (Win) or Safari (Mac) because the htmlcustomgui is an instance of those. I've set a base target = "_new" so it opens in a new window instead of within the description field.

    I can set a url callback on the htmlcustomgui, but AFAICT you can't tell C4D you handled the URL click so it doesn't do it. Returning True or False on the callback leads to an instanceerror.

    This whole mess is why there's a dedicated Link column in the tree and I'm avoiding external links in the description.

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