No visual indication of wait time for "Please wait submitting bug"

Issue #79 resolved
Donovan Keith created an issue

The status bar freezes on barber pole when the "Please wait submitting bug" dialog opens. It would be nice if there were some sort of status indication of what is happening and how long it will take.

  1. Connecting to server (1/4 Steps)
  2. Submitting report text (2/3 Steps)
  3. Uploading "Long filename goes here" (3/4 Steps)
  4. Uploading "Long filename goes here" (4/4 Steps)

At the very least an animated barber pole instead of a frozen one would be great.

Comments (2)

  1. Donovan Keith reporter

    Okay, it's not totally frozen it's just updating at an incredibly slow rate. Like 1px of movement every 3sec or so. This is happening with other barber pole status bar updates as well.

  2. Rick Barrett

    I still have some ideas for improvement, but with d61bc6c6a I added a userarea on the Please Wait Submitting Bug screen that updates on a timer, to indicate nothing is stalled. What would be nice is adding text or additional color to indicate the actual progress.progress.png

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