CV-Crosshair Not Listed in Installed Log

Issue #94 resolved
Donovan Keith created an issue

To Reproduce

  1. Open CV Toolbox
  2. Install CV Crosshair
  3. Restart C4D

There are a few issues here:

  1. crosshair.pype is incompatible with R15 and shouldn't be listed as an available plugin in the first place.

cv crosshair console error.jpg

  1. crosshair.pyp should be recompiled for R15 and/or it's XML should be updated to reflect it's maximum compatibility is R13.
  2. Crosshair is not in the "Installed" list.
  3. When I search for cross in the "Show" field, it's description comes up, but it's not listed.

crosshair not in installed.jpgcrosshair not in installed.jpg

Comments (3)

  1. Rick Barrett

    Crosshair shouldn't be visible / installable since 0.2 (Mar 7). It's not appearing here for me.

    I've fixed the description field so it will only display items that are visible in the tree, and clears when there's nothing to display. 28f3cee0d7

  2. Rick Barrett

    I think the key problem here was the issue where using the Check All functionality was installing stuff that was hidden. So Crosshair was being installed even though it shouldn't have been. So I think we can call this one fixed.

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