Bugs and enhacements in the generation of databases

Issue #114 resolved
Francisco Javier Díez created an issue

(This facility can be accessed through Tools > Generate DB.)

The name of the network should be displayed properly (see the attached screenshot).

The option "Use open net" should be disabled when there is no network opened.

The default format of the generated database should be .cvs instead of .dbc.

The number of networks should not include a dot (1.000 is the same as 1). If we wish to make the user's life easier, we might offer a set of predetermined values (as we do for the zoom): 100, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 100,000, without eliminating the possibility that he/she introduces a different numerical value.

I propose the following modifications of the strings in the menus and dialogs:

Generate DB... (in the Tools option of the menu bar) -> Generate database randomly

Evaluation (in the title of the dialog) -> Generate database randomly

Use open net -> Use network already open

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