ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using half cycle correction in MPADs

Issue #156 resolved
Manuel Luque created an issue

When trying to perform "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis -> Deterministic Analysis" in MPADs and half cycle transition is selected, the results are not obtained because an exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (value 2) appears in the message window.

I'm attaching a network for reproducing the error.

Comments (3)

  1. Iñigo Bermejo

    I can't reproduce it with the latest version, and some things have changed in this area, although I haven't actively tried to fix this, Can you try it again?

  2. Francisco Javier Díez

    I assign this issue to Manolo so that he checks whether the bug is still there. If it is, please, assign the issue back to Íñigo. If not, please mark it as resolved.

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