Can't add a state to a chance node

Issue #330 resolved
Iago París created an issue

In the domain tab of node properties, the button add doesn't have any effect.

Reproduce it by:

  1. Creating an influence diagram

  2. Then a decision node

  3. Then linking him a chance node as a child

  4. Opening node properties of the chance child node

  5. Add button has no effect


If you need 3 or 4 states only, using standard domains and renaming does the trick

OM version:


Head of traceback:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at org.openmarkov.core.action.NodeStateEdit.<init>(
at org.openmarkov.gui.component.DiscretizeTablePanel.actionPerformedAddValue(
at org.openmarkov.gui.dialog.common.KeyTablePanel.actionPerformed(
at org.openmarkov.gui.component.DiscretizeTablePanel.actionPerformed(

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