Introducing a fraction in a cell of a table potential in the GUI

Issue #38 invalid
Manuel Luque created an issue

[You can think that I'm a bit idiot by introducing this issue...] Most of the tables that I use are in programs similar to Excel: Gnumeric, Libreoffice Calc, etc. In these programs I usually introduce numbers in the form of fractions. For example, instead of 0.5, I prefer typing 1/2. However, if the user introduces a fraction in a cell of a table potential in the GUI of OpenMarkov then it appears a NullPointerException in the message window, and the user has to click on Cancel in the table dialog to continue editing the network.

Comments (4)

  1. Manuel Luque reporter

    I know that it is an enhancement, but is not it also a bug to have a NullPointerException in the GUI?

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