Error when parsing an Elvira network

Issue #4 resolved
Manuel Arias created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Manuel Arias reporter

    This problems happens with an identifier. Changing that identifier the problems solves. Other possibility is to do several changes in the parser, but it's difficult with the library that is been used.

  2. Manuel Arias reporter

    (Reply via

    Vale, acabo de hacer un cambio en el parser, as=ED que actualiza primero. Creo que hay que cambiar varias clases, tambi=E9n las de pruebas, y comprob= ar que sigue funcionando todo. Igual te lleva un rato, si tienes alg=FAn problema d=EDmelo y lo hacemos juntos.

    Hasta luego

    2012/7/24 Manuel Arias <>

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