Error when opening a potential inside a Tree/ADD

Issue #450 resolved
Francisco Javier Díez created an issue

The attached network has a table potential for the branch monotherapy in the tree/ADD for Cost [0]--you can check it in the PGMX file. However, when I try to edit that table, OM shows an Exact potential that depends on no variable and has no numerical values; and an error appears in the message window.

Comments (4)

  1. Manuel Luque

    This issue is basically solved with this commit, but I think it is better to keep it open as the edition of tables in TreeADDs is still giving some problems. For example, if the user removes a variable of a branch, OpenMarkov converts the table to Uniform, but, then, when the user goes to edit this potential, the GUI does not show “Exact” as one of the allowed relation types. I appreciate all the related issues reported here.

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