Test EvidenceCaseTest.extendEvidence(ProbNet probNet)

Issue #453 new
Manuel Luque created an issue

As Jorge has shown us today in the “JUnit OpenMarkov.xlsx” spreadsheet (available in the channel OpenMarkov of Microsoft Team CISIAD), the test EvidenceCaseTest.extendEvidence(ProbNet probNet) is giving AssertionError because it is using the method EvidenceCase.extendEvidence(ProbNet probNet), but this method returns a non-empty list only for Markov Influence Diagrams (MIDs), while the test is using a Bayesian network.

I suggest making a decision here, choosing one of these three options:

  1. use a MID in the test;
  2. generalize the method EvidenceCase.extendEvidence(ProbNet probNet) to other types of PGMs different from MIDs;
  3. deactivate (or delete) the test.

Comments (3)

  1. Jorge Pérez

    I do not know why the "extendEvidence" method is restricted to MIDs as it could be inferred (extend) evidence from non-temporal potentials. So I think the second option is the one we should implement.

    When removing the conditional clause (allowing any kind of PGM), the test passes. Is there any case in which removing the clause that restricts the method to MIDs could be potentially wrong/dangerous?

    It seems that, in this commit, this modification was included, but why? https://bitbucket.org/cisiad/org.openmarkov.core/commits/e48fb24b3f5c1eb0132a56b90b39e1345aa523b0

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