Error when computing the ICERs

Issue #494 resolved
Francisco Javier Díez created an issue

Each ICER should be computed relative to the previous intervention in the frontier. For example, in the table attached, the ICER for therapy 2 should be relative to therapy 1, i.e., (70,000-20,000)/(6.0-4.0) = 20,000 €/QALY. OpenMarkov erroneously computes it relatively to no therapy, i.e., (70,000-0)/(6.5-4.0) = 13,208 €/QALY.

The ICER for therapy 0 does not make sense because there is no previous intervention in the frontier. Therefore, that cell should be blank instead of saying “0.0”.

Comments (2)

  1. Francisco Javier Díez reporter

    By the way, I would add two columns, “Incremental cost” (o “Incr. cost”) and “Incremental eff.” (o “Incr. eff.”) between “Effectiveness” and “ICER”. The cells for the first intervention in columns “Incremental cost”, “Incremental eff.” and “ICER” should be empty.

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