Error in the expected utility table

Issue #518 new
Francisco Javier Díez created an issue

In this ID the values in the expected utility table for D2 are misplaced because the optimal policy for the first decision is D1 = +d1.

Comments (3)

  1. Manuel Luque

    In order to solve or reassign this issue I need to know:

    • Branch of the OpenMarkov code that was compiled to generate the JAR used to create the network and the compilation date.
    • The same information for the JAR used to invoke the inference in OpenMarkov.
    • Specification of the influence diagram that the user wanted to create with OpenMarkov, i.e., variables (names and types), arcs, and probability and utility tables.

  2. Manuel Luque

    If the user opens the attached network with OpenMarkov 0.2.0, then the graph presented in the GUI has a cycle (which is contrary to the requirements of a well-formed influence diagram).

  3. Francisco Javier Díez reporter

    Creo que lo importante no es qué hizo esta alumna, sino comprobar si el error se da en la versión actual de OpenMarkov. Simplifiqué al máximo su DI para que sea más fácil depurar el error.

    Si quieres lo hablamos por teléfono o por Teams.

    Buen día

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