When adding evidence OpenMarkov says the network has been modified

Issue #66 resolved
Francisco Javier Díez created an issue

I open a network (such as the one attached), go to inference mode and introduce evidence. When closing the network, OpenMarkov says that the network has been modified, but it has not.

Comments (8)

  1. Francisco Javier Díez reporter

    Just by switching to inference mode, the network is marked as modified. It can be checked by looking at the star sign that precedes the name of the network in the title of the network.

  2. maryebra

    I cannot reproduce this bug. Javier, could you please make sure this currently happens in the latest version?

  3. Francisco Javier Díez reporter

    It does happen with all the networks I have tried. Please open the network I am going to attach, compile it and observe that a star is added in front of its name. I have version 63, which was deployed yesterday afternoon.

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