import os import subprocess from tkinter import * import urllib.request import codecs import logging debug = False button_width = 45 buttons = [] logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) bitbucketPath = "" repositoriesPath = bitbucketPath + 'org.openmarkov/wiki/resources/repositories.txt' local_filename, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(bitbucketPath + 'org.openmarkov/wiki/resources/repositories.txt') data = urllib.request.urlopen(repositoriesPath) def checkoutAllRepos(branchName): file =, 'r', 'utf-8') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip()"Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: os.system("git -C " + module + " checkout --progress " + branchName) i = i + 1 else: logging.error("The module " + module + " doesn't exists") if 'str' in line: break'Checkout modules: ' + str(i)) def cloneAllRepos(branchName): file =, 'r', 'utf-8') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip()"Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: logging.warning("The module " + module + " already exists") else: os.system("git clone " + bitbucketPath + module + " -b " + branchName) i = i + 1 if 'str' in line: break'Cloned modules: ' + str(i)) def pullReposCallBack(): file =, 'r', 'utf8') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip()"Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: os.system("git -C " + module + " fetch origin --progress --prune") i = i + 1 else: logging.error("The module " + module + " doesn't exists") if 'str' in line: break'Pulled modules: ' + str(i)) def changeBranchMasterCallBack(): checkoutAllRepos("master") def changeBranchDevelopmentCallBack(): checkoutAllRepos("development") def changeBranchReposCallBack(): for button in buttons: button.pack_forget() changeToMaster_button.pack(side=TOP) changeToDevelopment_button.pack(side=TOP) backToMainMenu_button.pack(side=TOP) def cloneReposMasterCallBack(): cloneAllRepos("master") def cloneReposDevelopmentCallBack(): cloneAllRepos("development") def cloneReposCallBack(): for button in buttons: button.pack_forget() cloneMaster_button.pack(side=TOP) cloneDevelopment_button.pack(side=TOP) backToMainMenu_button.pack(side=TOP) def mainMenu(): for button in buttons: button.pack_forget() cloneRepos_button.pack(side=TOP) pullRepos_button.pack(side=TOP) changeBranch_button.pack(side=TOP) # showMenu() top = Tk() top.title("Repositories manager") top.geometry("300x200") # Buttons buttons = [] #Main menu buttons cloneRepos_button = Button(top, text="Clone repositories", command=cloneReposCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(cloneRepos_button) pullRepos_button = Button(top, text="Pull repositories", command=pullReposCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(pullRepos_button) changeBranch_button = Button(top, text="Change branch of all repositories", command=changeBranchReposCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(changeBranch_button) #Clone menu buttons cloneMaster_button = Button(top, text="Clone to master branch", command=cloneReposMasterCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(cloneMaster_button) cloneDevelopment_button = Button(top, text="Clone to development branch", command=cloneReposDevelopmentCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(cloneDevelopment_button) backToMainMenu_button = Button(top, text="Back to main menu", command=mainMenu, width=button_width) buttons.append(backToMainMenu_button) #Change branch menu changeToMaster_button = Button(top, text="Change to master branch", command=changeBranchMasterCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(changeToMaster_button) changeToDevelopment_button = Button(top, text="Change to development branch", command=changeBranchDevelopmentCallBack, width=button_width) buttons.append(changeToDevelopment_button) mainMenu() top.mainloop()