import os import subprocess debug = False def debugging(): try: os.chdir("org.openmarkov") output = subprocess.check_output("git pull",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode("utf-8") for line in output.split("\n"): print (line) os.chdir("..") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # 255 = not found - module or branch. if (e.returncode == 255): print("Error: No repository found") print ("ERROR: ", e.returncode) def checkout(branchName): file = open('repositories', 'r') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip() print ("Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: os.chdir(module) os.system("git checkout " + branchName) os.chdir("..") i = i + 1 else: print ("The module " + module + " doesn't exists") if 'str' in line: break print ('Checkout modules: ' + str(i)) def cloneAllRepos(branchName): file = open('repositories', 'r') bitbucketPath = "" i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip() print ("Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: print ("The module " + module + " already exists") else: os.system("git clone " + bitbucketPath + module + " -b " + branchName) i = i + 1 if 'str' in line: break print ('Cloned modules: ' + str(i)) def pullAllRepos(): print ("Not implemented yet") return file = open('repositories', 'r') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip() print ("Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: os.system("git pull -R " + module) i = i + 1 else: print ("The module " + module + " doesn't exists") if 'str' in line: break print ('Pulled modules: ' + str(i)) def pushAllRepos(): file = open('repositories', 'r') i = 0 for line in file: module = line.strip() print ("Processing module: " + module) exists = os.path.exists(module) if exists: os.chdir(module) os.system("git push") os.chdir("..") i = i + 1 else: print ("The module " + module + " doesn't exists") if 'str' in line: break print ('Checkout modules: ' + str(i)) def showMenu(): option = "0" while (option != "5"): _ = os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print("OpenMarkov code script") print("======================") if debug: print("0. Debug function.") print("1. Pull all repositories.") print("2. Checkout all repositories.") print("3. Clone all repositories.") print("4. Push all repositories.") print("5. Exit.") option = input() if (debug and option == "0"): debugging() elif (option == "1"): pullAllRepos() elif (option == "2"): showUpdateMenu() elif (option == "3"): showCloneMenu() elif (option == "4"): pushAllRepos() elif (option == "5"): print("Goodbye!!") exit() else: print("Please enter a valid number.") input("Press Enter to continue.") def showCloneMenu(): option = "0" while (option != "3"): _ = os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print("Clone menu") print("======================") print("1. Clone to master branch.") print("2. Clone to development branch.") print("3. Back.") option = input() if (option == "1"): cloneAllRepos("master") elif (option == "2"): cloneAllRepos("development") elif (option == "3"): showMenu() else: print("Please enter a valid number.") input("Press Enter to continue.") def showUpdateMenu(): option = "0" while (option != "3"): _ = os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print("Checkout menu") print("======================") print("1. Checkout to master branch.") print("2. Checkout to development branch.") print("3. Back.") option = input() if (option == "1"): checkout("master") elif (option == "2"): checkout("development") elif (option == "3"): showMenu() else: print("Please enter a valid number.") input("Press Enter to continue.") showMenu()