Citruna Reviews - {#2024 New Updated} Benefits,Price,Side Effects Where To Buy?

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Citruna Review - Citruna is a weight loss supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to help you burn fat.Also known as Citruna Lemon & Coffee, the supplement can purportedly help you lose up to 1lb of fat per day, according to testimonials shared online.Is Citruna legit? How much weight can you lose with Citruna? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the new weight loss supplement today in our review.

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What is Citruna?

Citruna, also known as Citruna Lemon & Coffee, is a capsulated weight loss supplement available exclusively online through Citruna.By taking two capsules of Citruna per day, you can purportedly take advantage of the natural molecules in lemon and coffee to accelerate fat burning results.According to the official website, some have lost around 1lb per day while taking Citruna – or around 25lbs per month. Many have also experienced other benefits – like greater mental clarity and improved confidence.Citruna is more than just a weight-loss supplement; it's a comprehensive metabolic optimizer. Its unique blend of potent ingredients targets multiple pathways involved in weight management, making it a holistic approach to achieving your goals.

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How Does Citruna Work?

Citruna works by delivering a blend of lemon juice powder, lemon peel powder, green coffee bean extract, and instant coffee.By taking two capsules of Citruna daily, you’re using a blend of the most important ingredients in lemon and coffee to activate your body’s natural fat burning.Studies show drinking coffee daily can lead to weight loss. It’s not just about the caffeine in coffee. Coffee is rich with other compounds that can help accelerate weight loss.Lemon, similarly, can also accelerate weight loss. Lemon is packed with bioflavonoids linked to fat burning and inflammation. By taking two concentrated lemon-derived ingredients, you can accelerate weight loss results.

Citruna Benefits

The benefits of Citruna extend far beyond just shedding pounds. Its multifaceted approach promotes overall well-being and empowers you to live a healthier, happier life:

Achieve sustainable weight loss : Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and experience real, lasting results with Citruna's metabolism-boosting and appetite-regulating properties.

Enjoy increased energy : Feel revitalized and conquer your day with Citruna's natural energy boost, free from jitters or crashes.

Improve digestion : Experience smoother digestion and better nutrient absorption with Citruna's gut-friendly formula.

Enhance mood and focus : Citruna's holistic approach can positively impact your mood and cognitive function, leaving you feeling sharper and more motivated.

Support overall health : With its blend of essential nutrients and antioxidants, Citruna contributes to overall health and well-being, giving you the foundation for a vibrant life.

Achieve sustainable weight loss : Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and experience real, lasting results with Citruna's metabolism-boosting and appetite-regulating properties.

Enjoy increased energy : Feel revitalized and conquer your day with Citruna's natural energy boost, free from jitters or crashes.

Improve digestion : Experience smoother digestion and better nutrient absorption with Citruna's gut-friendly formula.

Enhance mood and focus : Citruna's holistic approach can positively impact your mood and cognitive function, leaving you feeling sharper and more motivated.

Support overall health : With its blend of essential nutrients and antioxidants, Citruna contributes to overall health and well-being, giving you the foundation for a vibrant life.

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Citruna Ingredients

Citruna contains four ingredients, including two ingredients linked to lemon and two ingredients linked to coffee. The manufacturer discloses all ingredients and dosages upfront.

Lemon Juice Powder (300mg): According to the makers of Citruna, lemons are linked to better insulin resistance, a reduced risk of obesity, better digestion and detoxification, improved appetite control, and greater fat burning, among other results. Studies show lemon juice powder is rich with natural antioxidants called bioflavonoids. These citrus bioflavonoids can support healthy inflammation throughout the body, making it easier for your body to burn away fat. When your body is inflamed, it struggles to burn fat.Inflammation puts your body in a constant state of stress, telling it to hold onto fat instead of burning it.

Lemon Peel Powder (300mg): The peels of the lemon are particularly rich with bioflavonoids. These citrus bioflavonoids work identically to the bioflavonoids in lemon juice powder: they target inflammation throughout the body for greater weight loss results. By providing you with two sources of lemon, Citruna aims to maximize the weight loss benefits of lemon and deliver a concentrated dose of bioflavonoids – without requiring you to eat multiple lemons per day. According to the makers of Citruna, lemon juice can also inhibit ACE activity, helping with insulin resistance and obesity.

Green Coffee Bean Extract (250mg): Citruna contains green coffee bean extract, one of the most science-backed weight loss ingredients available today. Green coffee bean extract is rich with ingredients that are normally lost during the roasting process – like chlorogenic acid, or CGA. When you roast coffee beans, you lose 99% of the natural CGA within the beans. That’s a problem, because CGA is linked to powerful weight loss results. Many studies have linked green coffee bean to significant weight loss. And, green coffee is an ingredient you can’t get simply by drinking coffee daily; you need to specifically take green coffee bean extract.

Instant Coffee (250mg): Citruna contains a significant dose of instant coffee. Instant coffee is a concentrated type of coffee with all of the ingredients you need to enjoy a cup of coffee without preparation – just add hot water. Typically, people don’t take instant coffee straight. However, taking it in the form of a capsule could help you enjoy powerful weight loss results. A capsule could help you enjoy the benefits of caffeine more immediately. Typically, people use 1 to 2g of instant coffee for every mug of water, so the 250mg dose of instant coffee in Citruna isn’t an excessive amount. Combined with the other active ingredients in Citruna, however, it could unlock powerful weight loss results.

Other, inactive ingredients within Citruna include gelatin (to create the capsule), brown rice flour, and magnesium stearate. Because Citruna uses a gelatin capsule, it is not a vegan-friendly supplement (gelatin is an animal by-product made from beef or pork).

What to Expect After Taking Citruna Lemon & Coffee

According to Optimal Health Solutions, you can rapidly burn fat after using Citruna – even if you’re just starting to use the supplement for the first time.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Citruna, according to the manufacturer:

Weight Loss: According to the official website, some users have lost 25lbs in just four weeks of using Citruna, or around 1lb per day. Typically, even a strict diet or exercise program will not lead to 1lb of weight loss or more per day. However, the makers of Citruna are confident their supplement can lead to significant weight loss even without strict lifestyle changes.

Fast Results: According to the manufacturer, “many users notice benefits within a week of taking the supplement.” Instead of waiting weeks for the formula to take effect, you can rapidly notice changes. After one month of taking Citruna, you should notice even more significant effects, according to the manufacturer. In fact, they recommend waiting one month to get a full picture (and, if you’re still unsatisfied after 60 days, you can request a refund).

Curb Appetite: The two lemon-based ingredients in Citruna help by “making you feel full,” according to the manufacturer, curbing your appetite and making it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet. Typically, your body experiences hunger pangs when eating fewer calories, making it tough to stick to a diet and lose weight. However, Citruna aims to curb appetite to help you eat less naturally.

Support Digestion & Detoxification Processes: Lemon was historically used to support digestive health and aid your body’s natural detoxification processes. Your body eliminates waste through your gastrointestinal tract, and lemon can support this process. Some believe lemon has natural laxative effects, for example, helping to physically push waste out of your body.

Defend Against Insulin Resistance: According to the manufacturer of Citruna, the lemon extract in the formula “can lower ACE activity, which is linked to insulin resistance and obesity.” Studies show human tissue angiotensin converting enzymes can help with hypertension, blood pressure control, and overall heart health. By promoting normal levels of ACE activity, lemon could help defend you against insulin resistance.

Burn Brown Adipose Tissue: Typically, weight loss supplements work by burning white adipose tissue, the harmful fat that accumulates around your organs. However, the makers of Citruna designed the formula to “burn brown adipose fat.” Brown adipose fat burns more calories than white adipose fat, and slimmer people tend to have more brown fat than white fat. By burning brown fat, however, the makers of Citruna claim you can specifically target unwanted fat around your thighs, hips, and belly – some of the hardest places to get rid of fat overall.

Safe Results Without Side Effects: According to the manufacturer, all Citruna ingredients are “100% plant-based, soy-free, dairy-free, non-GMO,” and put through additional testing with third party labs to verify purity and potency. Because of this level of testing, Citruna aims to work without side effects.

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Scientific Evidence for Citruna

To prove Citruna Lemon & Coffee works as advertised, the manufacturer cites 16 studies on the supplement’s references page. Those studies show the individual ingredients within the supplement work as advertised to promote different health effects. We’ll review some of the evidence on Citruna below.

Caffeine is one of the most proven ingredients for weight loss, and multiple studies have connected caffeine to significant fat burning results. Because Citruna contains 250mg of instant coffee, it contains at least some amount of caffeine. A 2019 meta-analysis reviewed dozens of trials on caffeine and weight loss and found caffeine led to a significant decrease in fat mass, BMI, and weight. In fact, researchers found every doubling in caffeine intake led to even greater results, with participants losing 17 to 28% more fat mass, BMI, and weight every time they doubled caffeine intake.

Green coffee bean, another active ingredient in Citruna, is backed by similar weight loss results. A 2021 study published in SAGE Open Medicine tested the effects of green coffee bean extract on a group of 71 participants. Participants took 500mg of green coffee bean extract or a placebo for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, researchers found those taking green coffee bean extract had lost twice as much fat mass and twice as much weight as those in the placebo group. Plus, researchers observed no adverse effects.

In a separate study, researchers tested the effects of the lemon detox diet and found it reduced body fat, insulin resistance, and inflammation biomarker levels in a group of overweight Korean women. In that study, participants drank a placebo drink (maple syrup and palm syrup) or lemon juice for 7 days. Researchers found those in the lemon juice group had lower body fat, improved insulin resistance, and improvements in inflammation biomarkers, among other effects.

Lemon is packed with polyphenols that could help with weight loss. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition found lemon polyphenols suppressed diet-induced obesity by upregulating mRNA levels of enzymes involved in fat burning. That’s a fancy way of saying lemon increases your body’s natural fat burning processes, which could help you lose weight. The study took place over 12 weeks.

Overall, there’s little formal evidence Citruna can help you lose 1lb per day without dieting or exercising, as suggested by some verified customers on the official website. However, the ingredients in Citruna could complement a healthy diet and lifestyle to support your weight loss goals.

Citruna Pricing

Citruna is normally priced at $89 per bottle, or $89 for a one-month supply. However, as part of a 2024 promotion, you can pay as little as $39 per bottle and enjoy free shipping, free bonuses, and other perks.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering Citruna online today:

1 Bottle: $59 + Shipping

3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses

6 Bottles: $234 ($39 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses

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Final Word

Citruna Lemon & Coffee is a new weight loss supplement made with a blend of coffee and lemon extracts.Instead of drinking multiple cups of coffee and eating multiple lemons daily, you can simply take two capsules of Citruna Lemon & Coffee for weight loss. According to the official website, some customers have up to 1lb per day with the formula.To learn more about Citruna Lemon & Coffee and how it works or to buy the weight loss supplement online today, visit the official website.

Exclusive Details: **Citruna** Read More Details on Official Website USA!


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