world command "Percent of distinct mobiles never killed" always reports 100%

Issue #14 resolved
Ryan Smith-Roberts created an issue

Sneezy is querying the trophymob table for certain data, but whatever code populated this table is missing. There's an alternate query commented-out above it that uses a different table, but who knows how slow that query can get.

The obvious solution is to drop trophymob, switch back to the old query, and cache the results for several hours, but I don't know if that kind of functionality is available.

Comments (2)

  1. Ryan Smith-Roberts reporter

    That query probably gets really long as the trophy table fills. I guess we need to start a cron script infrastructure or something, and just populate the table. Likely a simple query like "select distinct mobvnum from trophy into trophymob". They should have just inserted the count directly though.

    I wonder what other cron-driven functionality is currently broken or missing?

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