run command should append move commands to input queue

Issue #18 resolved
Ryan Smith-Roberts created an issue

Currently, the run command just runs doMove over the entire set of commands in a tight loop, ignoring the return value. It should be implemented as a 'busy' command that acts as if the user had entered the moves manually, except it breaks early if a move fails or on the 'stop' command.

Bonus points: support diagonals and 'enter'ing things.

Comments (4)

  1. Elmo Todurov repo owner

    Other MUDs that have run command just spam it in and if there's a wall in the way, will attempt to headbang through it. We can do better, of course -- cancel and print remainder.

    The question is motivation -- do we want to bother? For me, the run command is for mapwalking, and the maps are generated with GMCP. There's no big point in better error handling in this scenario.

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