
Herman English ebook free download pdf The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space in English by Athena Perrakis 9781592338771

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#English ebook free download pdf The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space in English by Athena Perrakis 9781592338771 #####Publisher: Fair Winds Press

The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space

File name: The-Book-of-Blessings-and.pdf

ISBN: 9781592338771 | 144 pages | 4 Mb


Honor life’s milestones and bring sacredness into everyday life. The Book of Blessings and Rituals shows you how to create ceremony and meaning around the most important events in you life.   Drawing from different world traditions, leading metaphysical teacher Athena Perrakis presents blessings to cover a wide array of occasions and intentions, including holidays and sacred days, love, healing, protection, prosperity and success, lunar blessings and rituals, and manifestation. Organized by month, you'll be able to celebrate the sacred all year long.   DIY projects and rituals will help you perform each blessing. You’ll learn how to construct medicine bundles and altars, which crystals to use to amplify the rituals or clear energy, and how to smudge for clearing and protection.   In addition, you’ll learn how to use the power of invocations and blessings to set the energy of your home or event and to assist in amplifying goals and intentions.   Deepen your experience of the sacred, find inspiration, and heal with this non-denominational guide to blessings and rituals.

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