Docs: Notebooks

Issue #20 new
Andy Nowacki created an issue

The notebooks are a useful resource, but they require someone reasonably experienced with Julia environments to use them.

  1. Running the notebooks requires adding several packages that are not mentioned (FFTW, Arpack, Distributions, Multitaper, DelimitedFiles, Plots, and maybe others). They must also know to activate the correct project in which Multitaper.jl and all the packages are installed. Consider supplying a Manifest.toml and Project.toml in the notebooks directory which people can instantiate and a function to run the notebooks from the REPL.
  2. Consider including the output (including plots) in the .ipynb files so people can view them without running them.
  3. The notebooks seem to qualify functions with the module name first (e.g., Multitaper.unwrapphase). If the functions you use in the notebooks are intended to be part of the public API, consider exporting those as well.
  4. In 01b_Data_with_Gaps, MTdir can be found using dirname(dirname(pathof(Multitaper))), which won’t require the user to change the code to run the cell.

Comments (3)

  1. Andy Nowacki reporter

    For some reason the images don’t display for me without actually running the code, but your instructions and environment work almost without fault, so this is a great improvement.

    I suggest you include a Manifest.toml as well as Project.toml. That way, you can dev .. and have Multitaper as a dependency of the project which will be properly included when users instantiate the project. I had to do this manually to get the notebooks to work.

    Just to be clear,

    julia> cd("Examples")
    julia> import Pkg
    julia> Pkg.activate(".")
    julia> Pkg.develop(path="..")

    should do the right thing I think. Then you can commit the Manifest.toml file too.

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