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fallen-world / Prime

Apprentice Spells (Gnosis=0)

Activate Enchanted Item

Analyze Enchanted Item

Counterspell Prime

make this a basic move

Discern Phantasm

Dispel Magic

at gnosis+2, does not require you to have the arcana you're dispelling

Inscribe Grimoire

Magic Shield

can extend to others at gnosis+1

Squaring the Circle

Transform Aura

Can do for others at gnosis+1

Unseen Spy

Disciple Spells (Gnosis+1)

Armor of the Soul

can do for others at gnosis+2

Celestial Fire

Channel Mana

need to figure out how I'm dealing w/ resource management/mana

Controlled Dispellation

Create Tass

Disguise Resonance

Dissolve Tass

Ephemeral Enchantment

Imbue Item

Imbue Mana

Ley Lines


upgrade to marionette at gnosis+2, create complex phantasm at gnosis+3

Adept Spells (Gnosis+2)

Eyes of the Awakened

Phantasmal Weapon

(maybe also roll into phantasm?)

Siphon Essence

Siphon Integrity

Suppress Hallow

Master Spells (Gnosis+3)

Create Hallow

Dead Zone

Siphon Mana

also maybe add more master spells?
