issues with ".ini" configuration files

Issue #1 closed
slawchune created an issue

Hello Frederic,

I encounter some issues with the keys inside the ".ini" files provided with the last version of FES (libfes2.9). Here's bellow the error message we have got :

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/kara/data1/dlalanne/TEP_SMOC/scripts/", line 79, in <module> eastward_velocity, northward_velocity=module_FES2014.init_fes_uv() File "/kara/data1/dlalanne/TEP_SMOC/scripts/", line 25, in init_fes_uv eastward_velocity = fes.Handler("ocean", "memory", file_FES_conf_eastward_velocity) File "extension/wrapper/fes.pyx", line 165, in fes.Handler.cinit File "extension/wrapper/fes.pyx", line 139, in fes.Handler._check RuntimeError: Configuration file contains unhandled keys: TIDE_2N2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_EPS2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_J1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_K1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_K2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_L2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_LA2_FILE, TIDE_LA2_LATITUDE, TIDE_LA2_LONGITUDE, TIDE_LA2_AMPLITUDE, TIDE_LA2_PHASE, TIDE_LA2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_M2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_M3_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_M4_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_M6_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_M8_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MF_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MKS2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MM_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MN4_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MS4_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MSF_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MSQM_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MTM_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_MU2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_N2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_N4_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_NU2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_O1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_P1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_Q1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_R2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_S1_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_S2_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_S4_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_SA_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_SSA_PHASE_LAG, TIDE_T2_PHASE_LAG

Everything worked well so far with a previous version of FES that I had, version tag :

Could you please assist me ?

Thanks a lot, Stéphane

Comments (5)

  1. Frederic Briol repo owner

    The new version checks that all the keywords defined in the configuration file are known. If this is not the case, the initialization function returns an error and displays the list of unknown keywords.

    The keywords "X_LAG=0/1" must be removed from the configuration file, as they are useless (it is a remnant of the old versions of the library).

  2. slawchune reporter

    Thanks for the reply Frederic, it worked perfectly ! The thing is that I used the configuration files provided with the last version (created during its installation and generated inside /libfes-2.9.0/data/fes2014). Maybe those files need to be updated ?

    Cheers ! Stephane

  3. Kilian Vos

    Hi Frederic and Stephane,

    I note that in the error message above, it is not only the "X_LAG=0/1" keys that need to be removed from the config file but it also mentions the LA2 coefficient: "TIDE_LA2_FILE, TIDE_LA2_LATITUDE, TIDE_LA2_LONGITUDE, TIDE_LA2_AMPLITUDE"

    Is this coefficient not necessary in the new version (2.9.0)?

    Thanks, Kilian

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