netCDF dependency issue for anaconda package

Issue #15 new
David Brockley created an issue


When creating a conda environment that includes pyfes and some other packages from conda-forge, libnetcdf 4.7.4 is used (latest on conda-forge). This provides which causes the following error at import time for pyfes:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

pyfes requires which is supplied by libnetcdf 4.7.3. If I require exactly that version of libnetcdf in the YAML file I am using to build the environment, pyfes imports without errors.

I think this means that the index.json file for pyfes needs to require exactly 4.7.3 rather than >=4.7.3,<5.0a0 but I don’t know enough about how anaconda handles dependencies to be sure.

Best regards, David

Comments (1)

  1. Itinerant Oceanographer

    As mentioned elsewhere, I got the following to work:

    conda create -n tides python=3.7
    conda activate tides
    conda install jupyter python=3.7 ipython notebook
    conda install libnetcdf=4.6.1 netCDF4 matplotlib numpy cartopy
    conda install -c fbriol fes

    I suspect, as noted above, there are later versions that are still compatible, but I haven’t chased it to the last possible dependency.

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