issue with conda install

Issue #18 new
Marine Arch created an issue


I have an issue with the installation of the package with conda. When I try to install it in my virtual environment with python 3.7. I have the following error : “PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • pyfes”

My colleague have the same problem. Do you have an idea where the problem comes from ?

Many thanks for your help,

Best regards

Comments (4)

  1. Itinerant Oceanographer

    I’ve found the following works (w/ some miscellaneous extras tagged on). Although there’s an issue with tab-completion in the compatible version of notebook.

    conda create -n tides python=3.7
    conda activate tides
    conda install jupyter python=3.7 ipython notebook
    conda install libnetcdf=4.6.1 netCDF4 matplotlib numpy cartopy
    conda install -c fbriol fes

  2. Kat Konstantinou


    I have the same issue. I’ve tried the proposed solution but I still get a PackageNotFoundError for pyfes.

    I’d appreciate any suggestions,



  3. Itinerant Oceanographer

    This just worked on Ubuntu 18ish, conda 4.9.2 (Anaconda3). I try to keep my environment fairly uncrufty and stock, which may help.

    conda create -n tides_new
    conda activate tides_new
    conda install python=3.7
    conda install -c fbriol pyfes

    This gave me pyfes 2.9.2, and the same basic procedure worked for python=3.8.

    I notice there’s still warning about keeping your python version <=3.7 for fes and <=3.8 for pyfes (looks like the name maybe changed between minor versions 2.9.1 and 2.9.2).

    If that still doesn’t work, try to send a full log of your commands and resulting errors.

  4. clive neil
    I have an environment working on my Windows10 laptop that includes the following packages:
    pyfes 2.9.3
    libnetcdf 4.7.3
    and it works perfectly for what I require
    Hopwever, when I build the same environment on a linux Centos 7 server it can only find pyfes 2.9.2 and try running my script I get the following error
    ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    I cannot downgrade to libnetcdf 4.6.1 (or anything else) without conda removing pyfes due to incompatibilites

    I have been going round in circles trying to get this working - does anyone have any useful ideas or solutions - to complicate matters further I also need either gdal or geopandas to read a shapefile containing a Polygon that I need the extent for for the pyfes computations

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