Waves seem to climp up overhangs.

Issue #21 on hold
Laurens Mathot created an issue

alpha 3 Reported by Unity Forum user TemplarGFX: "I noticed if you have overhanging items and water below attempts to go "below" the object water rises up. Obviously some sand below to stop the water reaching would fix it, but still it would be better if it didnt climb :p"


Comments (2)

  1. Laurens Mathot reporter

    Yeah, it handles overhangs just like there were hills. Because height is just handled as a source of pressure (just like physics engine constraints are usually just really stiff springs), and the barrier between the high overhang and the low terrain is just a single pixel in the simulation texture, tiny amounts of water might end up on top of the overhang. And to keep the transition from waves to a lack of waves near shorelines smooth, the wave mesh will try to stay slightly below the terrain at all times. Normally this isn't visible because fragments of the waves that are below a certain level (0.01 by default), are automatically thrown away. But because of texture filtering blending the height values with those at the bottom of the cliff, that is not the case on top of the cliff.

    At least, that's what I think is going on in your screenshot. I'm not sure yet how to fix it in a more elegant way.

  2. Laurens Mathot reporter

    Not sure yet how to solve this in an elegant way. The simulation is a 2D simulation, and overhang will always be a problem. But it might be possible to find a better way to hide it.

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