Setting a Wave input intensity to 0 does not stop wave input

Issue #19 on hold
Laurens Mathot created an issue

Alpha 3 Unless you start the game with it set to 0, it will still input water if its intensity is set to 0.

Comments (3)

  1. Laurens Mathot reporter

    It's an interface problem. There was a turbulence script attached that constantly tried to increase the intensity.

    It might be a good idea to have the turbulence script show an icon next to the wave source, to show in which direction it's trying to change the value (more or less).

  2. Laurens Mathot reporter

    Other people might encounter this problem, but for now it's probably enough to have the information out there on what causes it and how to avoid it (don't have two objects edit the intensity at the same time)

  3. Laurens Mathot reporter

    Potential options to reduce the impact of the problem: * Show an icon next to the affected wave source * List the modifications done to a wave source, to allow quick debugging. * Expect script like the turbulence script, to update their values when something else modifies the intensity, just like turbulence is already supposed to do onEnable for the 'original value'.

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