Character Screens

Issue #2 resolved
Jeff Demers created an issue

Create a set of cohesive character screens to track everything about a character. Rely heavily on already implemented add/edit tracker screens as well as tracker functionality for user interaction.

Screens * A hidden/docked (depending on screen size) right hand panel that shows basic character data such as hp/fp, name, etc as well as quick access menu items to skills, equipment, and so forth. This will allow a user to select a campaign and a character and then access that character from anywhere in the app. The HP/FP area should be usable and should save as normal. A dropdown at the top of the panel should allow a user to switch between characters in the same campaign. * Main screen with all characters in the chosen campaign. Show condensed character and player information (and username if shared) * Player information * Attributes * Character description * Skills * Equipment * Advantages and Disadvantages * Armor by hit location

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