Hiking Distance Calculator

Issue #23 resolved
Jeff Demers created an issue

Use hard rules in basic to create a readout/chart of allowable distance traveled over time along with fp loss.

Comments (11)

  1. Jeff Demers reporter

    Let me know if you need any details on this. For consistencies sake it should look and operate like the collisions calc.

  2. Scott Huff

    Question on this: should it be a calculator where you punch in the variables and it tells you how far you travel in a day? Or punch in a distance and variables and it tells you how long it takes to travel that distance?

  3. Jeff Demers reporter

    Both. Just add a drop-down to the top to switch between the options. Check out the collisions calc for an example.

  4. Jeff Demers reporter

    Also please put the functionality serverside and call it using the ajax method in site.js. There's an example in the collisions.js that should help. We like to keep the functionality server side so someone can't just copy all our hard work. :)

  5. Scott Huff

    Yup, that's the plan. One other thing: I'm used to developing with unit tests, so how would you feel about me adding a second project to hold those unit tests? If it's something you're opposed to, I don't have to do it, but I develop better code when it's under test.

  6. Jeff Demers reporter

    Honestly I should be doing unit tests too, I just never really learned how.

    Go ahead. I'll learn.

  7. Jeff Demers reporter

    I suppose this also means we should backfill unit tests for all the existing functionality at some point.

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