Armor divisor (and possible other enhancements) are not translated into the damage text in GCS

Issue #33 resolved
Jeff Demers created an issue

Armor divisor (and possible other enhancements) are not translated into the damage text in GCS. Therefor the enhancements do not work since gCalc can only look at the text and has no idea what attacks may be linked to an advantage (limited by what output templates can do.)

This should be a change to GCS to change the damage text to be in proper gurps format, ex: 3d+3(2) where 2 is the armor divisor.

Comments (6)

  1. Jeff Demers reporter

    This was a problem with defaults. The armor divisor field was set as default 0 AFTER the value of the armor divisor was being inputted, which meant it was overwriting the true value and always showing 0.

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