Attempting to edit a tracker row causes an error dialogue

Issue #36 invalid
Travis Ellis created an issue

Clicking the gear next to the 'roll' button and then clicking edit leads to an error page

Comments (4)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I'm having a hard time replicating this issue and there is no error in the error log.

    Travis, can you replicate or was this a one time issue? If you can replicate:

    1. Is this on the main tracker, the character tracker tab, or both?
    2. What type of row is this happening on (target, combat, etc..). Or is it on all row types?
  2. Travis Ellis reporter

    Just gave it another shot (Character-> tracking tab -> sample test row -> click gear)

    Worked with no issues this time around

  3. Jeff Demers

    I'll keep this open for now. I think maybe the issue is that a user can potentially timeout if they sit on one page for too long (and the character screens, across all tabs, is actually one page.)

    If the user times out and then tries to edit a row (which requires the user to be logged in) this type of error could occur. I cannot replicate this at this time, but maybe a test could be created to force a timeout and have this happen.

    I may just be able to add the following to the web config (or a users config) to keep the app alive and hopefully decrease timeouts.

    <add key="UseAppKeepAlive" value="false" /> <add key="AppKeepAliveUrl" value="" />

    This would also speed up first user interactions after a long user dought (since after 20 minutes the site needs to recache and do all it's JIT compiling again). I'll add this in for now and see if there are any adverse effects.

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