Ammunition tracking

Issue #39 invalid
Travis Ellis created an issue

Would be really cool if gCalc could track use of ammunition in combat and alert the user when guns need to be reloaded and such, and deplete from an inventory.

Comments (7)

  1. Jeff Demers

    Is there some way to link a ranged attack with ammunition in GCS? I added a shotgun but don't see anyway to link it to an equipment item like "shells".

  2. Travis Ellis reporter

    Closest I can think of is making an equipment container with the stats of the weapon (which is possible), with the ammo within the group/container.

  3. Jeff Demers

    AH darn, groups again.

    GCS doesn't export groups well (or at all, see your previous advantage group find.)

    This is something that would need to be fixed on the GCS side first before we could implement anything in gCalc.

    Until such a time as we can link weapons with ammo in GCS and have the export actually indicate that they are linked in some way this won't be possible unfortunately.

    You could track ammunition manually, however, by making an increment tracker row on that character. I know it's not optimal, but the Tracker is there exactly for this purpose (to fill in the gaps that GCS leaves us hanging on.)

  4. Travis Ellis reporter

    I submitted it to the GCS tracker to see if there might be another way to link a weapon to it's ammunition type in a way that gCalc can read- much like linking a skill to its default.

  5. Jeff Demers

    Good idea. I have an email out to Richard about exporting advantage groups as well. If he can address that issue maybe the equipment groups will tag along with the fix.

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