Manipulate inventory/equipment without having to import from GCS again

Issue #41 new
Travis Ellis created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I would love to do this one. The issue here is what happens if you change your inventory and then reimport from GCS with your updated character? It will overwrite the equipment list with the GCS equipment list since that one should take priority.

    My suggestion in the short term for this one is to maybe add and edit new items only, and keep these new items separate in the database so that GCS import won't overwrite them.

    As for editing, deleting, and managing equipment from GCS? I don't think that will be possible without making people angry that their gCalc equipment was overwritten.

    I'm open to suggestions.

  2. Travis Ellis reporter

    Carried/Equipped status plays into encumbrance and is probably safe to change on gCalc's end. Getting overwritten by GCS for that parameter alone probably wouldn't cause too much grief.

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