Add attack options to the combat roller

Issue #54 new
Travis Ellis created an issue

Under the attack tab, we have dropdowns for hit location, but no options for using all-out attacks, telegraphic attacks, deceptive, etc. Manually entering in a skill modifier for things that are always the same (telegraphic) is tedious.

Comments (6)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I need to collect all the Basic attack options. I need their name, their modifier, and any important notes that need to display about them.

    If anyone wants to help this ticket along, feel free to collect that info and put it in a comment.

  2. Joseph Mason

    (edit: formatting)

    I'm working on (again and off again) a Combat Logger tool. Here are some of the notes I have that should cover most of the the Melee Options. I don't have the ranged ones listed yet though. Hope this helps.

    Items with a (#) are mutually exclusive. So you can have a (1), (2), and (3) on the same attack, but not two (1)s.

    Attack - Melee

    • Hit Location
    • (1) Dual-Weapon Attack?
    • (1) Rapid Strike?
      • (3) Flurry of Blows?
    • (2) Deceptive Attack? (Level?)
    • (2) Telegraphic Attack?
    • (3) Mighty Blow?

    Move and Attack - Melee

    • Hit Location
    • Dual-Weapon Attack?
    • Deceptive Attack?

    Feint - Melee

    All-Out Attack - Melee - Determined

    • Hit Location
    • Rapid Strike?
    • (1) Deceptive Attack? (Level)
    • (1) Telegraphic Attack?

    All-Out Attack - Melee - Double

    • Hit Location
    • Rapid Strike?
    • (1) Deceptive Attack? (Level)
    • (1) Telegraphic Attack?

    All-Out Attack - Melee - Feint

    • Hit Location
    • Rapid Strike?
    • (1) Deceptive Attack? (Level)
    • (1) Telegraphic Attack?

    All-Out Attack - Melee - Strong

    • Hit Location
    • Rapid Strike?
    • (1) Deceptive Attack? (Level)
    • (1) Telegraphic Attack?
  3. Jeff Demers

    This is a really good start. Could you put in the penalties or bonuses for each for me? For level ones just put the amount per level.

  4. Joseph Mason

    Here is a quick list. I pulled this from my combat "cheat sheet" which you can see here:

    All Attacks:

    • Attacker Position (you already have this)
    • Defender Position (you already have this)
    • Evaluate Bonus: (+1 per turn spend evaluating, up to +3)

    • AOA Determined: +4 skill melee, +1 Ranged

    • AOA Double: 2 attacks, may take different options
    • AOA Strong: higher of +2 or +1/die damage


    • Hit Location: Per chart
    • Deceptive Attack: Leveled, for every -2 to attacker skills, -1 to defenders active defense. Cannot reduce attackers skill below 10.
    • Dual-Weapon Attack: -4 to both attacks. "off" hand has additional -4 w/o Ambidexterity or Off-hand weapon training.
    • Telegraphic Attack: +4 to hit, +2 to defenders active defense.

    Extra Effort:

    • Flurry of Blows: 1/2 penalty for rapid strike. (1/FP per attack)
    • Mighty Blow: same as AOA:Strong (1/FP per attack)
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