Buttons to set HP and FP to a user-selected value

Issue #59 closed
Travis Ellis created an issue

Along with HP and FP to max, these buttons could help when regaining HP from spells, first-aid, and other sources of healing that might not hit max HP. (Especially with character with greater than 20 HP, easily possible in Monster Hunter and other settings)

Comments (6)

  1. Travis Ellis reporter

    That's not what I was gunning for (although allowing over max does allow emulating potions and afflictions that boost HP). I'm honestly completely confused by how the tracker is supposed to work, especially since its current incarnation seems like a pre-sheets relic.

  2. Jeff Demers

    It's a way to track anything you can think of. Increment rows can track individual numbers such as number of arrow, potions, etc. If you can have negative of that number, there's an option for that, if over max is allowed for it, there is an option for that too. You can also make hp and fp rows, which can be used to track henchmen or allies.

  3. Jeff Demers

    I believe the Tracker will handle the functionality asked for here. The issue is that no one knows how the user the Tracker. I'm setting up a wiki as part of another ticket so that all parts of gCalc can be more fully explained.

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