Add Fragmentation Dmg to Demolitions

Issue #63 new
Mook created an issue

On the "Demolitions" component (sorry, didn't see it listed in the "Component" drop-down), it would be wonderful if it could be used to determine collateral and fragmentation damage for a user-inputted damage range as well as the explosives pre-existing in the drop-down list.

For example, a TL 7 Fragmentation Grenade (p. B277) does "8d cr ex [3d]" damage, which can be a pain to figure manually (pp. B414-415). I would suggest being able to input "8d" for Explosive Damage and "3d" for Fragmentation Damage, then when the user hit "Submit" it would display a table of corresponding damage by range (as it does now for Explosive Types) for both Explosive and Fragmentation damage.

Comments (5)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I'll take a look into this. Seems like basic functionality this component should have.

    I added the Demolition component. I'm sure there are other ones I've missed too. :)

  2. Jeff Demers

    I was under the impression that Fragmentation damage was rolled separately for each target hit (that's why I left it out of the original tool).

    Just to verify, you're saying that fragmentation damage is a single roll and applies to everyone hit?

    If that's the case this can be easily added in.

  3. Mook reporter

    No, you're correct, I wasn't clear... it is definitely per target. Perhaps the user could input the number of targets and how far they are from the blast center? ("Andy @ 2 yards, Barney @ 4 yards, Charlie @ 4 yards, David @ 9 yards" etc.)

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