Ranged Attacks not using hit location penalty

Issue #65 closed
Former user created an issue

When you select a ranged attack with a hit location, the location penalty isn't being applied to the attack roll.

Comments (4)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I just did a ranged attack with a skill of 11 that targets the face with an additional +4 misc modifier for an effective skill of 10. I rolled over and over, and it hit on a 10, missed on a 12, and near miss hit the torso on an 11. It all seems to be working correctly.

    Is there a more specific case where this is not working?

    In the example below I did numerous shots with a 1 recoil just to test this more quickly.

    hit location ranged.PNG

  2. Jeff Demers

    Thanks for double checking this. Feel free to repopen with more details if you come across it again (maybe it's just a very specific set of circumstances?)

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