Exporting to gcalc returns an error

Issue #90 resolved
Former user created an issue

When clicking on the gcalc export button an error comes up saying:

There was an error exporting to the GURPS Calculator. Please try again later.

I have verified that the code in GCS is the same as what is in gcalc.

This stopped working about a week ago. Before that it worked great for weeks.

I am running ubuntu 16.04 and 4.4.1 of gcalc

Comments (2)

  1. Jeff Demers

    I was having too many issues with my old hosting provider and switched to a new one. When I switched over they have a cloud-hosting service called CDN then I enabled. That was causing all sorts of problems in the background apparently. This was one of them.

    After disabling CDN export from GCS works again.

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