Trying to upload GCS character with same ID as already uploaded character results in error

Issue #93 new
Former user created an issue

This is an odd one and I don't really have a simple solution.

Problem is as follows: My group created accounts for themselves, we built their characters an one PC, then uploaded each character using the players account ID. No problems there.

Next session: Of course 3 of my 4 players forgot their password. Password reset was broken (separate bug entry for that), so in the end we decided to create new accounts.

Now the problem: Trying to upload the characters to the new accounts results in an error. I presume it's because you save the characters based on their UIDs into the database. I tried changing one character of the UID, but that resulted also in an error while uploading (I guess the UIDs are hashed values of something or contain checksums?).

So my only solution right now is to create a new character, save it, then copy & paste the rest of the xml of the old character to the new file, save again, then upload this new file. It's a big hassle of course. Right now this is okay, but I think you guys should find a solution for this in the future. Maybe use a combination of uploader username and character UID for the database key?

Comments (1)

  1. Jeff Demers

    Currently we use user id and character id together to save the character. What your doing doesn't work because both components need to be unique and used together to form a unique hash so that your character is safe from outside tampering.

    What I would suggest doing is opening the character save file and completely deleting the character gcalc id/guid. When you upload the character with a new account it'll create a new guid on the fly.

    As for a fix on our side, we could change gcs to handle this, and will talk to Rich to see what we can do.

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