More GCA character import bugs

Issue #97 resolved
Emanuel May created an issue

Traits screen, especially Advantages names are still not 100% right. There are minor mistakes, like paranthesis on languages have the space at the wrong place. Other advantages have empty paranthesis behind them and some additional information is in paranthesis but belongs into the smaller notes text beneath the "page / points" line of the trait.

There is also a problem with calculations in equipments, like Formal Wear based on status, which should auto-calculate the price. Right now it displays the formula itself. The "sum cost" field shows the actual calculated cost, though.

The attached character has all of the problems

[Edit] Also some of the trait notes/description texts show GCA prefixes, like "ST:", as in:

"Fearlessness B55 | 4 Points +1 To ST:Fright Check"

Comments (8)

  1. Emanuel May reporter

    Also, I'm note sure of equipment parenting is supposed to work or not. In GCS importing I can child a few items into another items, like a backpack with content and they show correctly on the page. If I parent objects in GCA, it does not get imported correctly. I also created a small test character for this use case (Character 8)

  2. Jeff Demers

    This is because some of the "levelnames" have a leading comma, such as ", Enhanced Time Sense". This is opposite of the normal pattern exhibited in other advantages where "[None]" is used to represent when there is no level, so it looks like it instead represents "no description" for a certain level. Example...

    <name><![CDATA[Combat Reflexes]]></name> <levelnames><![CDATA[,Enhanced Time Sense]]></levelnames>

  3. Jeff Demers

    This goes even deeper. The reason some "bad text" like "only on 9 or lower" appears in the title line is because they are in the "levels" node, which is generally something we WANT in the name line....parsing it all out's basically that the levels node sometimes means 2 things, and the nameext also does that sometimes.

  4. Emanuel May reporter

    From what I've seen the first entry in the levelnames tag is the correct one to put into brackets. The other ones are additional modifiers, which are (in GCA and GCS) listed separately. I guess you are safe to parse them out and put them into the notes/description row. I can test with a few problematic traits later on if it is correct then. I guess some of the more supernatural traits will also kick some problems up.

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