Enable overriding the CodeCop cache location path

Issue #13 closed
Geraint Jones created an issue

Could you allow the possibility of overriding the CodeCop cache location path so that, when deployed as part of an Azure Web App, one can specify via configuration or code the cache location as a relative URL to the web app like e.g. ("~/cache/Codecop") and force CodeCop to read / write there.

Comments (2)

  1. Chirutac Dumitru

    Hi Geraint,

    You can change the cache folder location by overriding the TMP environment variable at runtime.

    Before any call to CodeCop, just set Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", YourPathToCache)) and CodeCop will read / write its cache there.

    We will close this issue for now, if the problem persists, please let us know.


    --Dumitru Chirutac

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