.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.0 - The CLR received a request to attach a profiler. Profiler CLSID: '{941EC77E-F7C0-42C8-84E1-15FEFA3CE96F}'. Process ID (decimal): 21912. Message ID: [0x2512].

Issue #9 resolved
Former user created an issue

If I use codecop the eventlog is full of entries like these ones:

.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.0 - The CLR received a request to attach a profiler. Profiler CLSID: '{941EC77E-F7C0-42C8-84E1-15FEFA3CE96F}'. Process ID (decimal): 21912. Message ID: [0x2512].

And then:

.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.0 - Loading profiler failed. The profiler COM object was instantiated, but the profiler failed during its initialization callback. Profiler CLSID: '{941EC77E-F7C0-42C8-84E1-15FEFA3CE96F}'. HRESULT: 0x80131373. Process ID (decimal): 21912. Message ID: [0x2505].

We use the eventlog quite a lot in our application, seeing those errors so frequently is painful for us (and worrying).

We are also worried about the performance implications of whatever this is trying to do...?

Comments (3)

  1. Ricardo Barbosa


    Thanks for reporting this issue back to us.

    CodeCop uses several CLR hooks to be able to dynamically change IL at runtime.

    One of those hooks is placed inside the CLR Metadata API that is the same API that the all CLR profilers out there use. So in a sense although CodeCop is not a profiler and thus not profiling your app (and also not doing any IL rewritings with the profiler api), it has to "disguise" itself as one just to quickly generate that metadata in memory during its bootstrap (that's why you see those entries in the logs).

    After the Cop.Intercept() call, unless you're using the Fluent API and constantly changing things over and over it will not write any more metadata, thus it will not affect the speed/performance of your runtime.

    If despite those entries CodeCop executes well I say not to worry with those, if not we have to investigate why it isn't able to generate the metadata on that machine.



    P.S. - Just a suggestion, if you can please use a non-anonymous account on the issues page to receive notifications via email from our replies.

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