Inspector - Array of StringFormatter always shows the same value

Issue #106 closed
Christian Oeing repo owner created an issue

We use the Data Binding package in our project, really liking it so far, but I was hoping you might help me out with an issue we're having:

Unity Inspector seems to be having trouble formatting array of the class DataBinding - as shown in the video, we're unable to set individual elements (changing one element in the inspector incorrectly updates all of them), which currently makes the StringFormatter (also the LogicalBoolFormatter) unusable.

I assume it has to do with the fact the DataBinding class uses the CustomPropertyDrawer, but looking into the editor code, I was unable to find a quick fix.

Could you please have a look if you can reproduce the issue or if it could be something on our side?

Please find attached a video demonstrating the symptoms.

We're using Unity versionĀ 2021.3.14f1.

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