TwoWayBindingExample wrong name is assigned to button when Controls is first enabled.

Issue #107 resolved
Keith Leung created an issue

Inside the TwoWayBindingExample the wrong name is assigned to the character button when Controls is first enabled.

This can be due to ContextDataUpdater assigning invalid this.Data during OnEnable.

A possible solution is to wait to assign the value at the end of frame so that this.Data can be updated first.

Comments (5)

  1. Keith Leung reporter

    Repro steps:
    1) Run the TwoWayBindingExample sample project.
    2) Click on “John”
    3) The “John” button is now renamed to “A name”

    I expected the “John” button isn’t renamed until I changed it in the input field.

  2. Christian Oeing repo owner

    @Keith Leung

    Thanks a lot for your report! I will check it out now. If you are interested in receiving a fix before the next version is released, please send me your mail address.

  3. Christian Oeing repo owner

    After investigation I decided to add a flag NoInitialUpdate to the ContextDataUpdater, so it’s possible to skip the initial updating of the context by the behaviour. This allows the user to influence the data priority.

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